Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Upstarts Golf Day
Rob on the par 3 7th....
Phil on the par 3 7th shortly after chipping in for eagle...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Upstarts 6 - Chameleons 0
Goals Scorers:
Donald Moniz
Gareth Tavares x 3
Peter Douglas
Phil Trussell
T.W.A.T. awarded to Moniz for the meal he made of his short corner strike.
Next game against the ladies Bermuda Pan Am Cup squad on Friday at 6:30pm.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Upstarts 5 - Polecats 3
Goal scorers:
Neil Ruperelia
Peter Douglas
Phil Trussell
Gareth Tavares x 2
T.W.A.T. award presented to Peter Douglas for being the drunkest man on the field. This was a hard fought battle having had half the team at the rugby classic final the night before. What gave Pete the winning edge was the fact that he woke up that morning with a referees kit bag in his kitchen. What he failed to tell the team was that the referee was in the bed....... Nice one Pete.

Friday, November 14, 2008
Upstarts 4 - Panthers 3
Check out the post game interview at:
Goal scorers:
Gareth Tavares 3
Phil Trussell 1
T.W.A.T. award goes to Phil Trussell for his superb match winning goal in the dying minutes of the game. We were lucky enough to have the Honorable JP MP PCP ANC DP Jon Brunson hand over the award in a touching 1 hour ceremony that had many of the players and supporters on the verge of tears.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Upstarts 7 - Rebels 0
As I sit here writing this on Sunday morning, my right hamstring hurts, my knees hurt, my back hurts, even my bloody eyelashes hurt. I think I’m just getting too old to play hockey. But then I say to myself, how does the rest of the team cope?
Not wishing to upset anyone of course, but I’m certain we must be the oldest hockey team in the Western Hemisphere. I mean, looking at our squad purely from an age perspective:
We have two in their fifties, five in their forties, two of which are nearly in their fifties, six in their thirties, three of which are nearly in their forties, three in their twenties, all of which are about to enter their thirties, and Donny tells me Kirk is 87.
The youngest member of the squad is the cooler, and that must be at least 23 years old.
So what does all this mean? Well, clearly Kirk has been lying about his age for the last thirty years for immigration purposes. Based on yesterday’s performance he surely must be the fittest octogenarian out there. And what about Mr Brunson, the man is 47 and he looks 19……….what’s going on there? His hockey seems to get better with every match. Please Jon, give me a large dose of whatever it is you’ve been taking.
As old people say, age is just a number, that’s what it all means. Apart from the many ailments in my first paragraph, I feel the same as when I was 26. (25 was when I really slowed down). I’m sure all the older gentlemen amongst us are the same, or we wouldn’t be doing this would we?
But enough of this philosophical nonsense…………….hey, we won and we kept a clean sheet.
Well done Kev, and well done the back four. Davy was magnificent at right back, nothing fancy, just first class defending. Kaniaru, the most laid back of laid back people was just that, laid back. I don’t think he ran further than five metres at any one time and just took the ball off anyone that came near him, including Keir twice.
Keir’s performance was exemplary. He was all over the pitch, showing incredible levels of stamina, positional awareness and superb flair and technique. (Have I missed anything Keir?). Then we have our new recruit Johnnie, who not only played well at left back, also had a go in midfield, where he looked very comfortable indeed.
That just leaves Johnnie’s replacement at the back, Alan. A very solid first game for this season from the founder of Upstarts, a man who loves nothing more than to run around naked on stage in front of lecherous old ladies. I hate to think what his other hobbies are………………….
We had a couple of debutants as well. Harpal, who hasn’t played for several years, but will soon get back into it, and Bruce, who when I first met him, went right up in my estimations as he was carrying two cases of Heineken. He went right down in my estimations just as quickly though, when he gave the Heineken to Panthers…………………please don’t do that again Bruce. Well done on the pitch though.
Our midfield was dominant against Rebels. Donny tackled and distributed the ball brilliantly, and Kirk just ran and ran and ran and banged in two goals. He and Brunson were tireless throughout the match.
Gary had yet another excellent game with a hat trick, although he was definitely distracted at times. I’m sure I heard him on the phone at half time trying to sell the Argentine hockey side several sets of Christine’s shin pads.
Pete had his best game yet by far in an Upstarts shirt. He was everywhere, clearly demonstrating he really knows how to play the game and he walked away with several game winning assists. He, and the other new guys have been great additions to our club this season.
I managed a couple of goals, but should perhaps have had three more, with good chances being bollocksed up basically. I would have nailed them when I was 43.
So overall, a great result and a great performance. It will be much tougher against the Police next week, but we can beat them, as we can anyone in this league.
Finally, we have one item of administration to take care of.
An addition has been made to the Club’s Bye Laws.
Starting this week, an award will be made to the player who, in the sole opinion of the incumbent award holder, ‘Displays on one or more occasion, during the course of a match day, behavior that may not be in keeping with the ‘spirit’ of Upstarts Hockey Club. Examples of such behavior may include instances of, (but not limited to), taking himself too seriously, not passing the ball when appropriate, refusing to join in with post match festivities, making complimentary comments about Chameleons or expressing a desire to train ’.
The award consists of one week’s possession of an extremely girly bright pink hockey stick, which must be used by the recipient in the match following the presentation of the award.
The incumbent award winner must then present the award to another player of his choosing immediately following that week’s match and so on.
As team Captain, and as I have the award in my possession, I shall get the ball rolling by making the first presentation.
This goes to one of my team mates, who, on Saturday:
1. Displayed excessive levels of showing off by scoring a hat trick
2. Unashamedly tried to sell everyone he met one of his girlfriend’s hockey accessories
3. Refused to pass to me on at least two separate occasions when I was free in front of goal
4. Orchestrated three successful short corner routines resulting in one goal and two near misses, come on, it’s just not an Upstarts thing to do
Yes, the honorary first recipient of the Upstarts Hockey Club ‘Twat Stick’ is none other than our resident superstar, Mr Gary Tavares. May you go forth and score another hat trick with it at the weekend, nothing less will do Gary, nothing less will do.
So, well done guys, was a great laugh on Saturday………………………….club night out and golf day planned in the next few weeks.
And finally, finally, to those of the squad who couldn’t make it. Really try your best to be there next week, let’s have sixteen of us up for it against the Police, we really need to step it up a bit against those guys. Adrian in Mauritius, we’ll see you soon, Mark N – would be great to see you Sunday, Jules, Rob H, JT, Neil - hurry back, and Skiller, best of luck with the back injury mate, and never, ever, try to lift one weeks’ supply of pies into the car in one go again.
Kick off is at 2.15pm on Sunday October 19th, email me a Y or N asap.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Upstarts 2 - Chameleons 2
In the end we we lucky to get a point with the 2-2, but hey, we didn't lose and the season has a long way to go. We all clearly need to improve our fitness and finishing.
Our new boys, Pete, Johnny and Jules all passed the test with flying colours, so Keir, you can give them the rest of their kit next week................." Captain Phil
See you all at training tonight 7:30 to 8:30. Hopefully you are feeling better than I am....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
JUST B Hockey
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Upstarts vs Chameleons - Sunday 28 Sept 2:15pm
1. Kirk Edmunds
2. Kevin Hill
3. David Kaniaru
4. Keir Savage
5. Gareth Tavares
6. Phil Trussell
7. Jon Sutcliffe
8. John Uprichard
9. John Thompson
10. Peter Douglas
1. Adrian Beasley
2. Alan Gilbertson
3. Neil Ruperelia
4. David Scholtz
1. Jon Brunson
If you have already responded, apologies. Just send Phil a reminder.
Annual Subs
So far a good reponse for Upstarts. The following people still need to pay there subs of $300
Adrian Beasley
Jon Brunson
Peter Douglas
Rob Hargadon
David Kaniaru
Simon Parker
Neil Ruperelia
Keir Savage
David Scholtz
Jon Sutcliffe
Gavin Thomason
John Thompson
Phil Trussel
John Uprichard
Jules Wheddon
If you have already paid please email Phil and let him know. We are still working in the stone age and do not have access to internet banking.
Thanks to those who have already paid. We nearly have enough to play our first game.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Upstarts Playing Schedule for September / October
Sun 28 September 2:15pm - Upstarts vs Chameleons
Sun 5 October 10:45am - Upstarts vs Panthers
Sat 11 October 4:00pm - Upstarts vs Rebels
Sun 19 October 2:15pm - Upstarts vs Polecats
If any of you need any hockey equipment, go to www.justbhockey.blogspot.com. Christine is bringing some nice hockey equipment to the island so please support her.
Upstarts Training
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, April 25, 2008
2005/2006 League & Cup Champions
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Knockout Round 1: Upstarts 6 - Chameleons 1
Upstarts 6 Chameleons 1
When Keir finally left the playing field late in the first half, mumbling something along the lines of 'I'll be back', he looked like an extra from that well known cult horror movie, 'Zombie Massacre Chainsaw Hack Fest - 7'.
I mean, how does anyone as lithe as Savage have that much blood in him? He must have bled a whole Kaniaru. (A Kenyan colloquialism for 14 pints, derived from our esteemed sweepers' average Friday night intake of alcohol). The blood was everywhere, all up the walls, on the spectators and all over Chameleon’s new shirts. By all accounts the ambulance had to be jet washed, (twice), and the astro pitch could be out of action until Cup Match.
We had all arrived pretty much on time to the sound of large crowds and air horns. It was quite flattering, until we realized all the noise was coming from the football pitch. There was a cup final going on and the queue at the fast food stand was 400 deep. Apparently one of the famous local football fans, was on his 12th Mega Triple Cheeseburger with a Hot Dog in it and 14th bucket of fries. The horns were blasting, encouraging him to keep going.
Our game started well with a record squad of 14 match hungry, slightly over aged Upstarts, pitched against our old foes, the Chameleons. It was the preliminary round of the annual Knock-out Cup, the draw for which was almost certainly fixed by the BHF in order to reduce the average weight of the four semi-finalists, by immediately eliminating one of the two fattest teams.
The first 20 minutes were as frustrating as usual, with a few half chances for us and none for them. We took the lead in the 23rd minute, when Gary expertly scuffed a shot from Donny's short corner push out into the far corner. The normally excellent Mark Stevens in goal for Chameleons, was obviously astounded by the crapness of the shot and watched hopelessly as the ball went in under his kicker.
Gary made up for his scuff in style a few minutes later as he brilliantly committed the keeper and lifted the ball over him for number two. Not long after, Adrian blasted a ball into the D from a right midfield position. An excellent hit from our left back, who was more than 50 yards away from where he should have been. Fortunately Martin picked the pass up and whacked it past Stephens at 120mph. Amazingly, Martin even had his hands on his stick in the right order. This was easy.
Then it happened. Our player of the year, Keir Savage, put his life on the line for the club he loves. Prior to the incident, Keir had been all over the pitch, making tackles, looking far too much like a hockey player, and encouraging his team-mates to follow his lead. We were three nil up and Keir didn’t want us to lose momentum. Deep in the Chameleons half, a hapless defender tried to put the ball into touch, but Keir was having none of it. He attempted to catch the touchline bound ball with his teeth, but alas, he misjudged the maneuver by millimeters.
By the time I reached our by now prone hero, Keir looked like a freshly completed autopsy.
It was not a pretty sight. Two Chameleons had fainted, 'someone' had dropped his mega bucket, and the umpires were trying to stop the bleeding. An ambulance was called and the Bermuda Regiment were called into the transfusion ward to give blood. All this, for what turned out to be a cut lip. What a bloody great big girl.
With Keir leaving the stadium under his own steam en-route to the emergency ward, we had to re-organise to keep our lead until half time. The ever versatile Alan went to left back and Adrian went somewhere else. We held on to make it to half time without conceding.
The Second half started badly, we were quite simply awful for the first ten minutes. Fortunately Chameleons only managed to score one goal, thanks largely to Kev, who made several excellent saves.
I had a quiet game, spent mainly on the bench admiring the carnage, saving myself for the ensuing rounds.
My only real move of note was early in the second half, when I picked up the ball just outside our D, slotted it past a Chameleons defender and modestly ran at blinding pace (with the ball), to the other end of the pitch, easily beating three Chameleons on the way. Upon arriving at their D, I was presented with two options.
Option 1: send the remaining Chameleons defender the wrong way, reverse stick the ball into the D, slightly lifting it to get it bouncing, and then roof it into the net to restore our three goal advantage, before going back to the bench for a sit down.
Option 2: send the remaining Chameleons defender the wrong way, unselfishly pass the ball to Skiller's open stick for him to slot the ball into the open net past the now out of position remaining Chameleons defender and goalkeeper.
What was I thinking. In life, not just in hockey, I think it always pays to take option 1. The elegance of Skiller's back pass to the Chameleons goalkeeper was almost on a par with its effectiveness. Mark had time to stop the ball with his left foot, adjust his helmet strap and then launch the ball 60 yards up the pitch towards our D with his right foot.
Without offering any other comments, Skiller simply looked at me, paused, and said, 'I think I'd better go and play in defence.'
I nodded, suggested he go and stand by Adrian, and then went for that sit down anyway.
Shortly afterwards we were fortunately given a penalty when Gary’s lob was helped over the bar in some sort of illegal fashion by a Chameleon. Gary netted without fuss and our three goal lead was restored.
After some excellent work from JT on the left, Gary blasted in his fourth goal and our fifth from about three inches. Two minutes later, an event occurred that shocked the entire ground. Had Useless Eddie finished another mega bucket? Had a Canadian bought a drink? No, Jon Brunson scored a goal.
Our man Gary, who never passes to me, rounded a load of Chameleons and slotted the ball to Martin at the far post. Martin lined up his stick to sweep the ball into the net, but it never arrived. That man Brunson appeared from nowhere, whacked at the ball with a portion of his stick that he's never used before, and smashed it into the back boards. His goal celebration was nothing short of amazing. He rolled around on the floor and screamed at the top of his voice. I thought, 'oh no he's having a fit,' or 'one of his arms has come off.’ But no, Alan said he always does that when he scores, it's just that none of us had seen it before. At the end of the day, it was another great performance from Jon, let’s hope he keeps those celebrations coming.
So there we have it. 6-1 to the Upstarts. It should have been more. Donny had a perfectly good goal disallowed and Kirk came close several times. Our defence was excellent, with Kaniaru and Davy stopping everything.
We’re into the semis against Rebels, a match we should win. But then I don't think we've won two on the bounce for quite some time. This will have to change. We want that cup gentlemen, we want that cup.
PS: Martin. Keir will need some new kit as there’s no way he’s going to get all the blood off his old stuff. Can you tell him the shorts are $40, the shirts are $65 and the socks $20.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Upstarts vs Rebels Photos
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Upstarts vs Polecats - February 8, 2008
Shoulda, Coulda, Woulda…. it was not to be our day again unfortunately
We scrambled to pull together a squad – looked very dicey until late Thursday, early match day (thanks to Adrian for drumming up everyone) – as we again had some key players out or off-island for the clash.
We didn’t do particularly badly however. Polecat’s one score was very opportunistic and in fact was the result of a failed short corner attempt for ourselves at the other end of the pitch! They also did manage to crash a short off a post and forced Kevin into a great save from Nigel when clean through, the save deflecting off Kevin’s pads and careening off the crossbar to safety. Other than that though there was not much excitement defensively. Our attack was somewhat muted, Donny seemed content to consistently smash the ball too often a foot further than Al could reach and our searching heroics were brought down by errant suspect tackles by the Police defense and direct shots that missed their target, sometimes agonisingly so.
All in all a hard loss but happy again to report that we kept battling to the very end, a trait that will pay dividends eventually when things start falling into place.